Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Right Out Louds at The Cutting Room

Hi Guys. The Right Out Louds played an after-party for a Tribeca Film Festival Premiere. The film was Guest of Cindy Sherman. If you're interested in art, photography, cable access programming in the '90s or male/female relations you'll probably enjoy the movie. My favorite "character" was David Furnish as himself. I was the only Right Out Loud to go to the screening. From what i hear the guys all took naps. I took my girls from work with me and met up with Gina. we had a lot of fun pretending I was a rock star...telling people I was saving my voice, etc. I should've gotten a picture of me and Gina too. I'm so bad at thinking those things!

Anywaaaay, Jen's hubbie took lots of pictures of the show so i'll post more as soon as i get them.

If you want audio you'll have to come and see us play Willy Nick's on May 10th.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I'm back!

This is a shot of my desktop at work. This is going to be the remedy to the clogging of my Blog. The old software i was using required that i post only from my home computer. there were ways to work around it, but it seemed like a real asking-for-trouble kind of situation. [BTW, those apple genius bar guys are usually pretty great, i highly recommend] ANYWAY, the fix is switching over to this online google-based program. now i should be able to just log in where ever i am and let you guys know what's up.

YAY! stay tuned.