Monday, June 30, 2008

Wicked Betty

Great Ugly Betty episode this week. yes, it was a repeat but it was the first time I'VE seen it. Lots of Wicked, a very silly and inappropriate allusion to the civil right movement and Marlo Thomas. I love that in the beginning of the episode they did a little Marlo homage. When Daniel is pressuring Betty to tell him who she's taking to see Wicked she points waaay across the office at Gio and says, "That Guy!" :-]

Sunday, June 29, 2008

What the...???

Last week i did the weirdest thing. I forgot how to get the key out of my door. i thought there was something wrong with the key and then i finally realized...after having the problem THREE TIMES...that it has to be horizontal i was trying to pull it out when it was vertical. Why i all of a sudden lost this memory that's always been second nature to me is completely beyond me. This didn't even happen when i first got the lock. Is my brain taking nothing for granted? Am i subconsciously craving change? Or just losing it?

Friday, June 13, 2008


I saw Enchanted last night. Boy, were they lucky to get Amy Adams! I'm not sure if that movie would've worked with anyone else. It was cute. I kept wanting Idina Menzel to turn into Elphaba and start flying around though. The "extras" on the DVD were pretty useless.

In rereading this post i realize that it sounds like i didn't like this movie and i did. i really thought it was very cute. i thought amy adams was great and james mardsen was really funny and i remembered that patrick dempsey is kind of nerdy in a good way.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Margo At The Wedding

This movie was disappointing. It was a waste of some great acting [not by Jack Black though]. I can't put my finger on exactly what was wrong with it [except Jack Black] but here's one thing. It seemed like a husband's idea of what's going on between his wife and her sister and not what would actually go on between two sisters. Sister's don't talk about f***ing each other's husbands. We're a lot more subtle and confusing than that. There are scenes in Hannah and Her Sisters that are accurate. The scene when they're having lunch and Holly is passive-aggressively punishing Hannah by only ordering a salad, while the sister who really is f***ing Hannah's husband is trying to be really nice to her which only kind of freaks Hannah out and makes her uncomfortable. That's what sister's are really like. They don't say, "you ruined my life, you're a crazy bitch." What fun would that be? Plus, you know you're gonna have to hang out with them again, so you tend to keep the cards closer to the vest.

This is reminding me of one of my biggest movie disappointments to date, Ghost World. This may surprise you because it wasn't a bad movie at all. It just wasn't the story I wanted to see. The Ghost World stories in the comic book, Eightball captured that time in female friendships when dealing with boys and differing levels of ambition can break up the best bff's. The growing gap between the two girls and the tiny little things that mark it's progression are a truly sad/beautiful thing to see. So i wasn't super-psyched that it turned into another coming-of-age/quirky love story. There aren't that many movies about females fighting that feel authentic [Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion being an exception that leaps to mind]. So it makes me sad when I see such good material thrown away. Steve Buscemi was great, but he's always good. They could've made a whole other movie out of Eightball stuff for him to be in and left the girls alone.

Monday, June 9, 2008

My Friend Barbara: A Novel in Three Parts

I was recently having a conversation with my friend Julie about the topic of her next book. I thought she'd probably win a whole bunch of fancy book awards if she wrote a book about me. She seemed to think that everyone out there probably knew as much as they needed to know about me from the things she's already written in her current book, Please Excuse My Daughter, and the stories she's done recently for The New York Times Magazine, Glamour and Redbook. I kind of disagree, and so right off the top of my is a list of interesting, unexplored topics about me:

Foods That I Can't Have In My House
Books That Have Made Me Break Up With Boyfriends
Movies I've Watched More Than 10 Times
Jokes That Only Work On Babies
Why I Love The Beach, But Hate The Summer
What My Ideal Apartment Looks Like
Classes I've Taken Since Officially "Graduating" From School
Bands I've Been In [Both Real & Fictional]
Reasons Never To Have Your Own Dogs Or Children

That's just the tip of the iceberg!
Please feel free to comment on things someone should write in a book about you [i never get any comments and it makes my blog feel lonesome].

Monday, June 2, 2008


I have about 6 episodes of Lost on my Tivo queue. The season's over and everyone knows everything that happens except for me. The reason they stack up is because I have to pay attention when I'm watching Lost. That's why The Riches sit in the queue as well. I think The Wire used to sit longest of all [sniff, how I miss you Wire].

anyway, these days i usually only have about 20 minutes or an hour to watch TV and it's usually while I'm eating dinner. I can't pay attention to all those flashbacks and coincidences and double-crossings whilst enjoying my Tofu Lasagna!

Oh Lost, why are you so interesting?